Conference Program

04 May 2023


Thursday May 30th, 2024

8:30-9:30      Registration                                     IQS Main Building Lobby

9:30-10:00    Welcome Address                          Sala Multimedia

10:00-11:30    Keynote Speech                            Sala Multimedia

11:30-12:00    Coffee Break                                   Auditori FCC

12:00-13:30    Parallel Session I                            a(1507), b(1505), c(Multimedia II)

13:30-15:30    Lunch                                                IQS Cafeteria

15:30-17:00    Parallel Session II                            a(1507), b(1505), c(1508)

17:00-18:00    Coffee Break                                  Auditori FCC

20:00-22:30    Conference Dinner                        Restaurante Barceloneta


Friday May 31st, 2024

CaixaForum Macaya 

Pg. de St. Joan, 108, L'Eixample, 08037 Barcelona

9:00-10:30      Parallel Session III                         a(Aula 1), b(Aula 2)

10:30-11:00    Coffee Break                                 CaixaForum Macaya

11:00-13:00    Roundtable Session                    Sala de Actos

13:00-13:30    Closing Ceremony                       Sala de Actos

13:30-15:30    Farewell Lunch                             Sercotel Rosellon


Parallel Sessions


Session I-a: Aging and Demographic Changes

Room: 1505 (12:00-13:30)

Chair: Suqin Ge (Virginia Tech)

China’s “Later, Longer, Fewer” Campaign and Intergenerational Support of Elderly Parents

Presenter: Cynthia Bansak (St. Lawrence University)

Discussant: Shouhan Dai (Zhejiang University)

The Effects of Social Pension on Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from China

Presenter: Shouhan Dai (Zhejiang University)

Discussant: Suqin Ge (Virginia Tech)

Ageing in a Dual Economy: Urban Ageing, Rural-Urban Migration, and Agricultural Development

Presenter: Suqin Ge (Virginia Tech)

Discussant: Cynthia Bansak (St. Lawrence University)



Session I-b: Environment and Sustainability

Room: 1508 (12:00-13:30)

Chair: Lily C. Dong (University of Alaska Fairbanks) 

Environmental Regulation and Firm Export: Evidence from China 

Presenter: Wenchao Bu (University of Glasgow) 

Discussant: Bingyu Huangfu (Zhejiang University)  

Grassland Certification, Grazing Behavior, and Ecological Consequences: Evidence from Pastoral China 

Presenter: Bingyu Huangfu (Zhejiang University) 

Discussant: Lily C. Dong (University of Alaska Fairbanks) 

Sustainable Living Across Continents: Examining Recycling and Reusing Practices in China vs. the United States 

Presenter: Lily C. Dong (University of Alaska Fairbanks) 

Discussant: Wenchao Bu (University of Glasgow) 


Session I-c: -    MSCA Staff Exchanges in a nutshell

Room: Multimedia II (12:00-13:00)

Presenter: Raquel Jimenez Frias (European Research Executive Agency) 


Session II-a: Geopolitics

Room: 1505 (15:30-17:00)

Chair: Jun Li (Sun Yat-sen University)

Competitiveness of the Chinese Economy following the Dual Circulation Strategy

Presenter: Krzysztof Falkowski (SGH Warsaw School of Economics)

Discussant: Qingbin Wang (University of Vermont)

China’s food security, self-sufficiency and trade under geopolitical tensions

Presenter: Qingbin Wang (University of Vermont)

Discussant: Jun Li (Sun Yat-sen University)

The impact of perceptual congruence about organizational identity on subsidiary innovation capability: empirical evidence of Chinese multinational firms and their overseas subsidiaries

Presenter: Jun Li (Sun Yat-sen University)

Discussant: Krzysztof Falkowski (SGH Warsaw School of Economics)


Session II-b: Monetary Dynamics 

Room: 1508 (15:30-17:00)

Chair: Mihály Tamás Borsi (Universitat Ramon Llull) 

Macro news, information environment and the RMB exchange rates 

Presenter: Zhitao Lin (Jinan University) 

Discussant: Lixin Sun (Shandong University) 

Quantifying the Natural Rate of Real Interest for China’s Monetary Policy 

Presenter: Lixin Sun (Shandong University) 

Discussant: Zhitao Lin (Jinan University) 


Session II-c: Green Finance and Corporate Responsibility

Room: 1507 (15:30-17:00)

Chair: Yue Lin (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

ESG Dynamics in Chinese Family Firms: The Role of Socio-Emotional Wealth and Institutional Holdings

Presenter: ChangYi Zhu (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Discussant: Tat Chee TSUI (United International College)

The Impact of Financial and Tax Incentives on Corporate Green Investments-Based on the Empirical Evidence of China A-Shares

Presenter: Tat Chee TSUI (United International College)

Discussant: Yue Lin (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Between political legitimacy and strategic competitiveness: overseas corporate social responsibility patterns of Chinese international contractors

Presenter: Yue Lin (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Discussant: ChangYi Zhu (Autonomous University of Barcelona)


Session III-a: Migration

Room: CaixaForum Macaya (9:00-10:30)

Chair: Martina Bofulin (Slovenian Migration Institute) 

Brain Gain through Return Migration 

Presenter: Allan Zebedee (Clarkson University) 

Discussant: Yi Wang (Politecnico di Milano) 

Consumption composition of internal migrants in China 

Presenter: Yi Wang (Politecnico di Milano) 

Discussant: Peinan Hu (Zhejiang University) 

Relaxing Migration Restrictions and Labor Reallocation 

Presenter: Peinan Hu (Zhejiang University) 

Discussant: Allan Zebedee (Clarkson University) 


Session III-b: Regional Development

Room: CaixaForum Macaya (9:00-10:30)

Chair: YE Zinan (City University of Hong Kong)

Determinants and dynamics of the accessibility of public service for migrant population based on cross-regional collaboration policy under the strategy of new type urbanization -an empirical research on basic health insurance policy from China 

Presenter: Guo Minjiang (Peking Union Medical College)  

Discussant: Hongjun Zhao (Shanghai Normal University)

Factor market intervention, "Scissors gap" of Land Prices and High-quality development in Chinese counties --Empirical evidence from the policy shock of the new round of county-to-city upgrading

Presenter: Hongjun Zhao (Shanghai Normal University)

Discussant: YE Zinan (City University of Hong Kong)

The Policy oriented Private Economy: Evidence from the Revitalization of Northeast China

Presenter: YE Zinan (City University of Hong Kong)

Discussant: Guo Minjiang (Peking Union Medical College)